Saturday, November 5, 2011

Agendas - Week of Nov. 7


MONDAY:  Intro to Ety List #9; Quote of the Week; Mini Lesson on Narrative sensory detail & rising action
TUESDAY: STAR Testing periods 1, 3 & 4.  Bring a book to read when finished!

WEDNESDAY:  Ety List 9 words 1-11; Mini Lesson on Narrative dialogue; continue writing Suspense Narratives

THURSDAY: Mini Lesson on tying beginnings to ends; continue writing Suspense Narratives

FRIDAY: NO SCHOOL (Veteran's Day)


MONDAY: Turn in Personal Symbol; MIR; Poe's themes

TUESDAYPoe Unit Test!  Poe Prezi due Next Monday!

WEDNESDAY: MIR; intro to Mystery & read "The Murders of the Rue Morgue"

THURSDAY: Ety Quiz 9/MIR; finish "The Murders of the Rue Morgue"

FRIDAY: NO SCHOOL (Veteran's Day)

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