Thursday, September 6, 2012

What Makes a Story Worth Telling?

Yesterday we discussed elements of a story in conjunction with two questions:

  • What makes a story worth telling?
  • What brings a character to life?
Here's the six-word sentence that you each crafted into a story:

Feel free to post your story below into the comment thread!


  1. 2) A story could change someones life by giving a life lesson in the story. If it is about a student dropping out of school and having a bad life because he made bad choices it may influence a student not to drop out and stay in school.
    3) An event that made me question something was one night when my Dad, Sisters and I were all fighting like usual, my mom said that no others familys fight like we do and I thought no family is perfect and they all must fight too. I doubt they dont have struggles like we do
    4) stories that are worth reading are the ones with good characters and good mystery. I like stories with suspense. i like when you try to predict the story while reading it because if it turns out diffrent it makes you want to keep reading to find out what really happens.

  2. 4) good stories have

    good: characters, 1st person, unique twists, theme, and make you fell like you are the characters or make you feel like you are in the story, and the endings have to be great!!

  3. i infer that kali likes her skinny jeans because she wheres skinny jeans everyday

  4. i infer that we will be spending alot of time on the chromes because we use them almost everyday

  5. Click on the link to read my story!
