Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Twinkie Trouble

What did you think about today's article on Twinkies?  Were you surprised it was a fake-news story?  Did any of you see it coming?  

Now that you are aware of the truth behind the articles, comment to this post a piece of evidence that you can site that could lead to the reader pondering that the stories were a fake.  What facts did you question?

Respond following this two-to three-sentence template (or create your own way - that's cool, too!).  I'd encourage you to write more than the two sentences --> see my example below the template!

I questioned the reliability of the _____ article, "insert title of article", when the author said, "____________."  This evidence made me question it because ___________________.

FOR EXAMPLE (sample post):
I questioned the reliability of the first article, "Thirty Year Old Twinkie Points Way to Preserving Bodies" when the author, Hugh Holub stated that "Twinkies are virtually indestructible."  This evidence made me question it because my previous knowledge on Twinkies leads me to believe that it's actually a myth that Twinkies can last forever.  Most food has a shelf-life and cannot be indestructible.  If something is indestructible... I probably don't want to eat it!



  1. I questioned the reliability of the second article, "Twinkies: The New Superfood", when the author said, "It can help protect against cancer" This evidence made me question it because nothing can really protect against cancer. Especially a snack like Twinkies. I already know that food alone can protect yourself against cancer. There just isn't a way to do that.

    1. I thought it was fake as well because twinkies are very fattining .

  2. I questioned the reliability of the TWINKIES: THE NEW SUPERFOOD! article, when the author said, "Experts say superfoods help ward off heart disease, cancer, cholesterol, and more!" This evidence made me question it because if twinkies could do that that then not as many people would have caner, and heart disease. And I already know that there isn't a cure for cancer so that would prove that it isn't true.

    1. i agree that it can't do that. and the world wouldn't have so many diseases.

  3. I questioned the reliability of the 1st article, "Twinkies: The new Superfood", when the author said, " Heres How twinkies fight disease:" and one of the ways it could fight disease was SMILING!and right after i read that, i was wondering "why?" At that moment i knew it was was fake because

    1. every could increase your smiling if its really good
    2. it is not a disease.

    Thats how i knew it was fake.

  4. I questioned the reliability of the 2nd article, "TWINKIES: THE NEW SUPERFOOD", when the author said, "Twinkies have a shelf life of 246 days." This evidence made me question it because if something has a shelf life that long i wouldn't eat it.

    1. *because it could be full of mold and other diseases

  5. I questioned the reliability of the article, "Twinkies:The New Superfood" , when the author said, "Twinkies must be part of a balanced diet that includes fruits, vegetables and raw steak." This evidence made me question it because i think that Twinkies are pure sugar. It's like saying cakes are apart of the balanced diet.We all know that fruits and vegetables are healthy for us so we can eat them non stop .Unlike Twinkies you can only eat a few at a time .

  6. Something that I questioned was article 2. I don't believe that a twinkie can last 246 years.....i also didn't believe it when they dropped it so many stories up and it only had a little crack at the bottom.I also don't believe it when it said that a twinkie makes you beautiful

  7. I questioned the reliability of the _Twinkies____ article, "insert title of article", when the author said, "__a thirty year old twinkie can preserve bodies__." This evidence made me question it because _a twinkie cant last thirty years without rotting_.

  8. I questioned the reliability of the twinkie trouble article, "insert title of article", when the author said, "A twinkie was dropped from a ninth-floor window,a fall of approximately 120 feet. it landedright side up, then bounced onto its back the expected "splatter" effect was not observed." This evidence made me question it because one time i was giving my cousin a twinkie i lived 2 story up and i was in the window he was outside i threw the twinkie and it splattered.

  9. I questioned the reliability of the second article, "Twinkies: The Superfood!", when the author said, "Here's how Twinkies fight disease." This made me question it because I couldn't believe that was possible that that could happen such as help metabolism and burn body fat or protect against cancer.I also didn't believe that five servings of Twinkies would help anybody against obesity.

    1. That quote, made me think that it wasn't true also because i didn't think that Twinkies, filled with sugar, would help with things that have gone within your body.

  10. I questioned the reliability of the second article, "Twinkies: The New Super Food! ", when the author said, "Frist Lady Michelle Obama, who is leading the government's Anti- Childhood Obesity drive is now advocating that children eat "five servings of Twinkies a day. That's two-and-a half packets"." This evidence made me question it because is a cake with vanilla cream ans that has to have sugar and corn syrup.

  11. I questioned the reliability of the 2 article, "Twinkies: The New Super food", when the author quoted First lady Michelle Obama "five servings of twinkies a day a day. That is two and a half packets." This evidence made me question it because there is a lot of sugar and unhealthy ingredients in twinkies that I know from my background knowledge. I know Michelle Obama wouldn't encourage kids to eat unhealthy foods if she is the "governments anti childhood obesity drive"

    1. I did not think it was true at all. It would be on the news & I cannot in anyway picture her saying this because five servings of Twinkies is a lot!

    2. i did the same axact thing nolan and i think u did perfect

  12. I questioned the reliability of the second article, Twinkies the new super food!", when the author said, that Twinkies are an extremely beneficial "super food."" This evidence made me question it because when is Twinkies a super food.

  13. I questioned the reliability of the 2ND artical "TWINKIES THE NEW SUPERFOOD!" when the author said, "But Twinkies must be part of a balanced diet that includes fruits, vegetables, and raw steak... then you'll live long, and you'll be beautiful." This evidence made me question it because if Twinkies made you beautiful then probably every boy or girl would be chugging them ever single day, also if they made you live long, Twinkies should of been a daily bases thing to eat.

  14. I questioned the reliability of the Twinkies: The New SuperFood article, when the author said, "Fist lady Michelle Obama, who is leading anti-Childhood Obesity drive, is now advocating that children eat "five servings of Twinkies a day that's two and a half packets" Michelle Obama then held a Deep-Fried Twinkie party in the garden behind the white house." This evidence made me question it because I doubt that Michelle Obama would do such a strange unhealthy thing. And because two and a half packs is a lot. Last I couldn't see her doing that. She was on Disney channel doing healthy foods only.

  15. i questioned of the 4th article, "twinkie trouble", when the author said "if you find the code 57 on it, bring it back and people with space man suits will come and take it." this evidence made me question it because i would think they would throw it out, and not in a hazardous-waste landfill.

  16. I question a lot of of things before knowing that the article was fake i looked at the second article and looked at the things twinkies can do to you like lower cholesterol make you beautiful and lower blood pressure and i was like "wow" twinkies sound like a really good snack to eat on the article "Twinkies:The New Super Food but then i got to thinking and i was like "these things that twinkies can make to you feel good sound like lies but then i was like what about twinkies really do,do these things but i still have a lot of question like on the same article it said that Michelle Obama said she had a deep fry twinkie party and told kids that they can have that everyday cause they do alot of good things to you...

  17. I questioned the reliability of the twinkie trouble, when the author said, "a twinke was dropped form the ninth-floor window, a fall of approximately 120 feet. it landed right side up, then bouncedonto its back the expected "splatter"." This evidence made me question it because when i threw it to my cousinand it fell ns splattered.

    1. I thought it would splatter too. I also questioned this.

  18. i said that twinkies are really are healthy for u in many ways i quote "Experts say that twinkies can ward off heart disease,cancer,cholesterol and more". It can also be good for eating because of the spongeness and the filling. It can also "prevent or reduce inflammation or lower total cholesterol or lower blood sugar or help protect against heart disease or help soothe nerves or satisfy a craving for sugar or help protect organs from toxins and fight against cancer". These are the things i love about twinkies, that they are really really good for you to eat

    1. great job Rueben the info was descriptive and cool!!!!

    2. Agreed because Twinkies are unhealthy for you and will not protect you from diseases or anything bad from your body.

  19. I questioned the reliability of the one article, "Twinkies the new super food when the author said, eating Twinkies help protect against heart cancer This evidence made me question it because it can never really work by eating Twinkies so by eating Twinkies

  20. I questioned the reliability of the second article,TWINKIES: THE NEW SUPERFOOD! , when the author said, "Twinkies have been proven to lower or help regulate blood sugar levels." This evidence made me question it because Twinkies are not good for you because they contain a lot of sugar and unhealthy things and Twinkies can never be healthy for you or else it would have been huge and doctors would have really recommended it to eat daily like medicine.

  21. The one I questioned the evidence.of the 1st article that the twinkie was in a garbage for 40 years no food could last that long in a land fill.and who would go through the garbage for stuff.and the twinkie strawberry cream and banana cream both out that was a total lie because how would that happen.

    1. the cream one was on the third artile

    2. i agree no food can last longer than 40 years.

  22. I questioned the reliability of the "Twinkie Trouble" article, "insert title of article", when the author said, "Some years back, a man who killed the mayor of San Francisco and a city commissioner got a reduced sentence when he claimed he'd loaded up on Twinkies before doing the crime His defense was, essentially, that the Twinkies made him do it." This evidence made me question it because the Twinkies did not kill anyone and sugar does not make you kill anyone.

    1. i know this because i eat sugar a lot and it doesn't make me kill anyone!

  23. I questioned the reliability of article 2, "Twinkies: The New Super-food" article, when the author said, "Therefore the person eating it will stay fresh and live longer." This evidence made me question it because I don't think that you can "stay fresh" your body isn't fresh or moldy. Also this food can't make you "live longer", sugary foods aren't made to make you live longer. This made me think right away that the article wasn't true.

  24. i question article 2 twinkey the new super food becaues it said that michale obama said she fried twinkeys and you should eat twinkey 5 times a day and i thought that was a lie because she had fundraiser andd poticen about the healthy food.

  25. I questioned the reliability of the second article, "TWINKIES: THE NEW SUPERFOOD!", when the author said," Twinkies can lower blood pressure" This evidence made me question it because I don't think that a snack that isn't healthy like Twinkies can lower your blood pressure. I also think with all the sugar in them they wouldn't lower blood pressure but they would raise it.

  26. I questioned the reliability of the second article, "Twinkies: the New Superfood", when the author said, "Michelle Obama then held a Deep-Fried Twinkie party in the garden behind the White House." and the statement "So, fry away kids!" This evidence made me question it because Michelle Obama is apart of a child obesity awareness group and say "go eat Twinkies and deep fry food!" is pretty fishy.. It makes it pretty obvious that its not a true statement.

    1. It was pretty fishy...

    2. I agree because with all the sugar and fats in Twinkies why would Michelle Obama say to go ahead and eat many a day.

  27. I questioned the reliability of the second article, "TWINKIES: THE NEW SUPERFOOD!", when the author said, "In the 1960s, with the threat of nuclear bombs,people stored Twinkies in their bomb shelters because they stay fresh forever." This evidence made me question it because truly no foods stay fresh FOREVER, and if there was a threat of nuclear bombs and people brought Twinkies with them I think people now a days would hear about it. Especially in social studies i'm pretty sure you would hear about this crazy past.

  28. I questioned the reliability of the one article, "Twinkies: the new super food", when the author said, "They have a shelf life of 246 years." This evidence made me question it because There is no food that can live for that long and not be rotten. The food may be all moldy and not be good to eat. For eating food that old you may get sick from it. Twinkies can not live for 246 years.

  29. I questioned the reliability of the 3rd article, " Twinkie Trouble", when the author said, "Some years back, a man who killed the mayor of San Francisco and a city commissioner got a reduced sentence when he claimed he'd loaded up on Twinkies before doing the crime. his defense was, essentially,that the Twinkies made him do it." This evidence made me question it because he blamed the Twinkies for killing the mayor.

    1. I have heard that its not the sugar from the Twinkies its your own self

    2. why did you reply to your own?

  30. I questioned the reliability of the 2 article, "Twinkies super food", when the author said, "michale obama when they say she she said you should eat 5 Twinkies a day ." This evidence made me question it because she had potichen and speeches fundraiser to support healthy eating .

  31. I questioned the reliability of the article, "thirty year old Twinkie points way to preserving bodies", when the author said, "The discovery of a perfectly preserved 40 year old twinkie...." This evidence made me question it because there is no way a twinkie or any kind of food that could perfectly preserve for 40 years.

  32. I questioned the reliability of the article called Twinke trouble
    the story stated that "about a month ago a maintenace worker at a surban chicago twinkie plant decided to rip of the insulation" really are they serious i know that has to fake be because my parents has told me that people dont really do stuff without a reason..... Like

  33. I questioned the reliability of the second article, "Twinkies: The New Super food!", when the author said, "First lady Michelle Obama, who is leading the Government's Anti-childhood obesity drive,is now advocating that children eat "five servings of Twinkies a day. That's two and a half packets." This evidence made me question it because why would Michelle Obama say that! They have lots of sugar and that isn't good for you.

    1. Thats the exact same thing that I said like why would she say that because she wants to help the children to lose weight and get more active.

  34. I questioned the reliability of the "Twinkies: The New Superfood" article, when the author said, "Here's how Twinkies fight diseases." This evidence made me question it because Twinkies are like a a piece of candy, or like a treat. & we would have known that by now because everyone would be eating them since they are pretty good.

    1. Twinkies are not candy there in the food chain

  35. I questioned the reliability of the article, "Twinkies:The New Super Food ", when the author said, "Twinkies help prevent cancer" This evidence made me question it because think if it really did that so many people would not have cancer.

  36. I questioned the reliability of the article, "Twinkies: The New Superfood", when the author said that Twinkies, "helps protects heart disease and help protect against cancer." This evidence made me question it because When It said it about the cancer thing i think we didn't have a cure for it only thing so far to help cancer is chemo. Also, when Michelle Obama said "kids should eat five servings on Twinkies", I was soo surprised so I thought it was a fake.

  37. I questioned the reliability of the article, "Twinkies : the new superfood", when the author said that Twinkies "have been proven to lower or help regulate blood sugar levels". Then I knew right then and there that this stuff was fake. This evidence made me question it because Twinkies will not help regulate your blood I can bet 300 hundred bucks that it doesn't help regulate it and lower your blood sugar. Plus if we did believe this article then we would for sure be fat and our blood sugar would be through the ROOF!!!

  38. I questioned the reliability of the 2 article, "Twinkies the New Superfood" when the author said, "first lady Michelle Obama, who is leading the government's anti-obesity childhood drive is now advocating that children eat 5 servings of Twinkies." This evidence made me question it because Michelle is part of a childhood anti-obesity and Twinkies cause obesity.

    1. this means she is promoting health living not Twinkies

  39. I questioned the reliability of the "Twinkies the New Superfood!", when the author said, "First Lady Michelle Obama who is leading the government anti-childhood obesity drive is now advocating that children eat five servings of Twinkies a day." This evidence made me question it because she is supposed to be supporting kids to be eating healthy. Because Twinkies are not healthy and Twinkies are one of the foods that obesity kids should stay away from.

    1. yea right that like i didnt believe from that either

    2. who would want to eat five twinkies in a single day.

  40. I questioned the reliability of the "30 Year Old Twinkie Points way to Preserving Bodies" article, when the author said, "and we noticed that many foods never decay in landfills." This evidence made me question it because foods decay over time and foods have a shelf life. If foods never decayed they wouldn't have a shelf life on them. People wouldn't be throwing away food and saving food for a while if they have leftovers from restaurants.

  41. I questioned the reliability of the second article,"Twinkies The New Superfood when the author said, "Experts say superfoods help ward off heart disease, cancer, cholesterol, and more." This evidence made me question it because how would that help. It's just a treat type thing with bread around it and filling so I wouldn't believe it. Super foods to me are like vegetables and fruits like carrots, broccoli, apples , grapes, and more

  42. I questioned the reliability of the "Twinkies: The New Superfood!" when the author said, "It can prevent/reduce inflammation, help regulate metabolism and burn body fat, promote a sense of well-being, lower cholesterol, lower blood pressure, increase smiling, help protect against heart disease, protect against cancer." This evidence made me question it because Twinkies are more along the lines of treats and junk food. People eat it as a snaky food not as an entire meal... I don't think it can help fight or prevent any types of disease.

  43. I questioned the reliability of the second article, "Twinkies The New Superfood", when the author said, "Twinkies have been proven to lower or help regulate blood sugar levels." This evidence made me question it because the text stated that Twinkies could lower your blood sugar, a Twinkie could also help regulate metabolism and burn body fat, and Twinkies could also lower your cholesterol. But in my opinion a superfood could be a food that gives you the nutrients you need, and twinkies have sugar in them.

  44. I questioned the reliability of the second article "Twinkies: The New Superfood" article, when the article said "help ward off heart disease, cancer, cholesterol, and more." I thought something was weird because I already know there is nothing that can ward off cancer and especially not a Twinkie! What does a snack have to with disease? Also when the article said "Michelle Obama held a Deep Fried Twinkie party in the garden behind the White House." Was when I KNEW something wasn't right, Because she is Anti-Childhood Obesity and Twinkies are not healthy so why would she have a deep fried Twinkie party at the White House.

  45. I questioned the reliability of the 2nd article, "Twinkies: the new superfood!" when the author said, "the person eating it will stay fresh and live longer." This evidence made me question it because a food will not make you live longer it's impossible and Twinkies aren't that good for your health. why would something that is high in fat make you live longer?

  46. I questioned the reliability of the second(2) article, "TWINKIES: THE NEW SUPERFOOD!", when the author said, "Twinkies are an extremely beneficial "superfood" & "Experts say superfoods help ward off heart disease,cancer,cholesterol,and more." This evidence made me question it because i know that twinkies can not be superfood cause there like candy and have lots of sodium and has no vitamin A or B.
