Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Cause of Death? Unknown. The Mystery of Poe's Death

Step 1: Please click on the following links to learn more about Edgar Allan Poe's Mysterious Death.  Choose to annotate at least 3-4 articles via the "scrible toolbar"

Virginia's Death & relation to Poe's Death:

Step 2:  Go to the following website to begin your online webquest to investigate Poe's death: (click on the image to launch the interactive experience!).

Step 3: Once you make your choice on how Poe died (you click on an option at the end of the interactive experience), do some outside research on how people die of the condition you chose.

Step 4: Write a 4-5 sentence paragraph comment to this blog post identifying the theory you chose, how you know it, and provide proof from outside sources (type in a google doc first!).


  1. I believe that Edgar Allan Poe died from rabies. This is because I read that only 27% of people remember being bitten and it sometimes takes about a year to feel and recognize the symptoms. Also because Poe had many pets that were not vaccinated, which might be a reason. According to according to Dr. Henry Wilde, Poe ''had all the features of encephalitic rabies.” This shows me that even doctors thought Poe had rabies which lead me to believe that Poe indeed had rabies.

  2. i think that poe died of rabies. one thing that told me he died of that is he owned a cat. back then the cats were not vaccinated. also the doctors said that he refused to drink water a typical sign of rabies. also a source said that poe could have died not from alcohol but rabies because of the symptoms that he had. (

  3. I think Poe died by brain lesions because “The guardian” said “It would explain his hallucinations and his mental state before he died”. They also said that he ran away for a couple of days because of his head, it also said he was very dramatic.”The guardian” said that he drank and sometime drinking can cause brain lesions.

  4. Mercury: Poe’s mercury levels increased over a couple months by 264%, probably due to the calomel he wrote of taking while in Philadelphia. But even at its highest point, it was still more than 30 times below the level associated with symptoms of mercury poisoning, and only 1/2 the level found in President Andrew Jackson’s hair, who (like Poe) was known to have taken calomel medication. Virginia’s mercury level, however, started at a level about that of President Jackson and gradually increased 22%, suggesting that she and Edgar had very different personal exposures.

  5. I believe that Edgar Allan Poe died from a brain tumor. I think that Poe had a terrible brain tumour, which could explain why he died so dramatically. If you look back at the rest of his life and his physical condition and ailments, it backs up the idea that he suffered from a brain tumour,' Hutchison said. Also one account described the brain as almost rattling around inside Poe's head. Pearl also looked up pictures of calcified tumours and discovered that some resembled shrunken brains.

    Information from

  6. I believe that Poe died of rabies because doctors said he first was delirious with tremors and hallucinations, then slipped into a coma. He emerged from the coma, was calm and lucid, but then lapsed again into delirium, becoming combative and requiring restraint. He died four days after admission to the hospital. Poe also had many different pets that were not vaccinated. Pets back then did not need to be vaccinated. There are many claims from people that said that they too had gotten rabies from pets that were not vaccinated. Information from

  7. The theory I thought was the reason for poe's death was Rabies. “Rabies is a deadly viral infection that is a mainly spread by infected animals.” The way you get rabies is that if animal with infected saliva bite you. The virus it holds travels to the brain. Most bites in the U.S are from dogs. Other animals have rabies to including cat, skunks, and foxes. The actual time between in infection is about the range of 10 days- 7 years. ←-

  8. I think Poe died of rabies. I think this because at talks a lot about how he could have died of rabies. And he had some of the symptoms such as; delusion, hydrophobia; the fear of water, etc. He also had a cat and back then a bite from a animal was a big cause of rabies. Thats why I think Poe died of rabies.

  9. I think Poe died by alcoholism, he was known for his drinking. Poe was found walking around a saloon,he was wearing someone else’s clothes and he was pretty much drunk.”Alcohol causes nearly 4 percent of deaths worldwide, more than AIDS, tuberculosis or violence”, states shows that even though people think that drinking is far from the leading cause of death, it actually takes the life of “ 2.5 million people worldwide annually,”says“Poe began to drink more heavily under the stress of Virginia's illness”, exclaimed Even though Poe drank a lot, it didn’t take away his passion to write.

  10. I believe Poe died from alcohol. It states in the “Virginia clemm poe dies” that after he found out about her illness, he began to drink more heavily. Also in the wikipedia document, the was a mad drunk, and it was easy to anger him. I know from memory that if you drink too much you can get liver failure or alcohol poisoning, and both are deadly.

  11. I think Poe Edgar Allan died by drinking too much because “Drinking too much alcohol can raise blood pressure to unhealthy levels. Having more than three drinks in one sitting temporarily increases your blood pressure, but repeated binge drinking can lead to long-term increases.” Poe Edgar Allan drank and my opinion is that his wife died and he really miss her that he wrote a poem about her and when she died, so he must of been really upset and started drinking.“Alcohol can kill you. Alcohol is actually a poison. If you drink too much, it can overload your liver. The liver processes the alcohol and expels it through the body.”

  12. My theory on Poe's death is it was cause by rabies. Rabies has been recognized for over 4,000 years , rabies have been around for many years so it is a strong chance that this could be the cause of Poe's death.Although rabies in humans is very rare in the United States, between 16,000 and 39,000 people receive preventive medical treatment each year after being exposed to a potentially rabid animal.So there is very hig vhances that Poe has past from the cause of a rabies, and by him having a cat he could have been bittin and the cat could have been a cat that carries rabies.

  13. I believe that Poe died of a brain tumor because when his coffin was getting moved, onlookers were surprised to see the brain inside the skull, “described as dried and hardened in the skull”. Someone later said that it could not be a brain because that is one of the first things to decompose in the body after death and some forms of brain tumors will leave a hard mass of the tumor in the skull after the brain is gone. Some brain tumors look like shrunken brains like the one described by onlookers. The one thing that i can’t forget is that the author said, “After all, you can still have a brain tumor and get killed by something else.” That is true for any theory, but a brain tumor is the theory that convinces me the most on how Edgar Allan Poe died. You can really believe that he died of a brain tumor because the way he wrote his stories really jumped out to me that there might be something going on in his head.

    To view my source click below.


  14. 1. they both have to do with a sad scary tone. They both include a storm. They also both include being alone.
    2. think that it shows he misses all of his family and that he thinks of the disease as a demon.
    And that his family died and he feels alone.

  15. I think Poe died from a brain tumor because he has been hallucinating and was very delirious. The hallucinations could have come from his drinking but you can get a brain tumor from drinking. A guy named Pearl had found things about Poe dying of a brain tumor. In the text it says, “Poe's coffin was being moved to a more prominent spot in the cemetery and the onlookers were amazed to see that his shrunken brain was still visible inside his skull. It was described as being 'dried and hardened in the skull’.” But it couldn’t have been the brain inside his head still because someone else said the first thing to rot after death. That means it could have been a hardness mass of the tumor left behind. Nothing else could have been just inside his head where the brain had been.

  16. I think it was brain touber because went insane before his death. He also got up and was changed clothes that was not his. He was also was in a very terrible state and died so sudden and brain tumors can easily do that. Finally it was reported to have said that poe in a way that was not normal and with a brain tumor people begin to think differently and act in different ways because the brain can't function like normal.

  17. i believe that Poe died because of alcoholism.he drank in his life (after his wife has died he started to drink).Poe was found delirious on the streets of Baltimore, Maryland, this mean he was drunk.from wikipedia . Poe is said to have repeatedly called out the name "Reynolds"
    edgar allan poe was hallucinating. from my libray of scrible .edgar allan poe was drunk and he was sad about his wife dead . so he drank and drank until he died.

  18. He died From Turbercloses I think this becuase back then they didn’t have a cure and it was really comon for someone to catch it. He was very stress.

  19. Poe died due to alcoholism. I think this because they found him on the street lying down and when you are drunk you will most likely blackout on the street if you were walking home. It was common to get wasted back then. The person who found him on the street said he heard him say,” lord help my poor soul”, but he probably said that because was too drunk. Alcohol can damage his brain because he probably had one too many drinks. In stories they talked about Poe having something wrong from his brain so that tells it was alcoholism.

  20. I believe that Edgar Allan Poe died from rabies. This is because I read that only 27% of people remember being bitten and plus in the article it says he had a cat and cats we vaccinated back then so this shows me he had rabies

  21. they think that Poe died of brain cancer.According to "Fresh clues could solve mystery of Poe's death" "Now a leading American author, who has written a novel about Poe's death, believes that he has come up with convincing evidence that could at last solve the puzzle: brain cancer."

  22. i think Poe died of rabies because he owned a cat which back then it was a huge cause of rabies. Plus he got bit by his cat so it has a great chance it would be of rabies. Rabies can be found in dogs, cats, bats, raccoons, and other ground animals, and most likely the cat that bit him had rabies. The actual time between infection and rabies has been transmitted without an actual bite. This is believed to have been caused by infected saliva that has gotten into the air. when you get sick (called the "incubation period") ranges from 10 days - 7 years. The average incubation period is 3 - 7 weeks.
    i got this source from

  23. they think poe died of rabies because in signs and symptoms it say that confess is one of the signs and they said poe was confessed.Rabies is a preventable viral disease of mammals most often transmitted through the bite of a rabid animal. The vast majority of rabies cases reported to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention each year occur in wild animals like cats and others.

  24. I think that poe died because of alcoholism. After his mom and his wife died he might have started having a drinking problem. 'It would explain his hallucinations and his mental state before he died. ' “Poe was discovered lying unconscious on September 28 on a wooden plank outside Ryan's saloon on Lombard St. in Baltimore.” To me Poe could have been drunk. Walking around and passed out after a while “Drunkenness occurs when a large amount of alcohol enters a person’s bloodstream. The alcohol causes many visible symptoms. The drinker’s speech will slur, their balance will become impaired,” Poe might have been drinking and he fell over because he couldn’t walk or he passed out.Many later scholars have assumed that Poe was an alcoholic who died because of binge drinking. If this statement is true an interesting fact about binge drinking is “Young people who binge drink could be risking serious damage to their brains now and increasing memory loss later in adulthood, according to new research. As you can see Alcohol could have been the reason of Edgar Allan Poe’s mysterious death.


  25. Poe’s death was caused by either foul play or alcoholism to prove either one there is “evidence”. Sometimes when people were being cooped the people exchanged there close to disguise the person, and give them alcohol. The day they found Edgar it was election day in Baltimore. Or Edgar could have had too much alcohol and be intoxicated, and changed clothes somewhere. Poe had had a drinking problem before and the strongest piece of evidence is “ J. P. Kennedy’s October 10, 1849 note in his diary: “On Tuesday last Edgar A. Poe died in town here at the hospital from the effects of a debauch. . . . He fell in with some companion here who seduced him to the bottle, which it was said he had renounced some time ago. The consequence was fever, delirium, and madness, and in a few days a termination of his sad career in the hospital. Poor Poe! . . . A bright but unsteady light has been awfully quenched.”

  26. I think poe died from drinking alcohol because he was found laying on the ground outside. I know this because usually people that are alcoholics pass out anywhere a lot. He was wearing someone elses clothes and drunk people don’t know what they’re doing sometimes. I went to help guide and found out that if you’re blackout while you’re drinking you’re an alcoholic and thats what poe did.


  28. I think Poe died because of brain congestion. Brain congestion is swelling of the brain, and in one of the articles, they said his brain had been swollen. I believe this may relate to his so called "Slurred speech", and his passing out. I believe he had a brain tumor, according to "WebMD", "As a tumor develops, it can press against other areas of the brain. Tumors in some parts of the brain may block cerebrospinal fluid from flowing out of the brain. New blood vessels growing in and near the tumor can also lead to swelling."

  29. I believed that Poe died of alcoholism. I believe this because in one of the articles I read it said Poe was known for being a drinker. I also believe this because according to a symtom of alcoholism is that they do not care about how they look or what they ware. Also according to this sight you could have blackouts after drinking which is how they found Poe passed out on the street. This shows to me that he had died of Alcoholism.

  30. In my mind, I believe that Edger Allen Poe died of rabies. Because texts state that " Dr. Benitez says in the final stages of rabies, it is common for people to have periods of confusion that come and go, along with wide swings in pulse rate and other body functions, such as respiration and temperature. All of that occurred for Poe, according to medical records kept by Dr. John J. Moran who cared for Poe in his final days. In addition, the median length of survival after the onset of serious symptoms is four days, which is exactly the number of days Poe was hospitalized." Rabies also adresses the fact that Poe was delirious. It also says that Poe was known to have many pets. and Rabies wasn't uncommon in his time period.

  31. I think that maybe Poe had died from Brain Cancer. Because it can explain why he had suffered from hallucinations and delusions. What me think this was when they said his shrunken brain was still visible inside his skull or something like that, which means he had like a brain tumor. Which is a sign of cancer. So if you look back at the rest of his life and his physical condition and ailments, it backs up the idea of him having a brain tumor.

  32. i think Poe Died of alcoholism according to Wikipedia they say that he was quote "Poe was beastly intoxicated" and he was looking repulsive, with his hair messed up with a unwashed face, and vacant eyes and those are clear symptoms of somebody under the influence of alcohol.

  33. I believe that Poe died from rabies.Because he had a cat and back then cats were vaccinated. Rabies have also been around for many years i also read that 27% got bitten and there was no care for rabies if a human got them.

  34. Poe died from alcohol poisoning for many reasons.

    To start off with, “It was believed at the time by his relatives in Baltimore that he drank with a friend while waiting between trains, in consequence of which he took a wrong train, and proceeded as far as Havre de Grace, whence he was brought back to Baltimore by the conductor of the Philadelphia train in a state bordering on delirium” This shows me that Poe had been drunk at the time because the conductor had to take Poe back to Philadelphia. People who are drunk are usually delirious or don't know that theyŕe doing. This proves to me that Poe was out drinking and got drunk. (From )

    In conclusion, Poe went out drinking, and got drunk. Poe had passed out on the street wearing different clothes.Poe was found on the streets of Baltimore delirious, "in great distress, and... in need of immediate assistance", according to the man who found him, Joseph W. Walker.(From

  35. I think poe died from a brain tumor. He was found in the middle of a sidewalk by a man. It says that you loose movement in your leg and that could have happened to him because he was found in a sidewalk why else would he be there.You lose vision so you can't see good and i don't think he got rabies because how would he get rabies? I think he died from brain tumor because the symptoms look like something he could has gotten.

  36. Edgar Allan Poe died from Rabies. I think this because most people don’t remember being bitten. Poe owned a cat and there were no rabie shots. Also because he experience symptoms most people have when they have rabies. Some of the symptoms include insomnia, anxiety, confusion, slight or partial paralysis, excitation, hallucinations, agitation, hypersalivation, difficulty swallowing, and hydrophobia (fear of water). Death usually occurs within days of the beginning of these symptoms. Poe experienced a few of these symptoms and died 4 days after experiencing these symptoms. Rabies causes disease in the brain, this could be why some say he died from brain cancer. This proves to me that Edgar Allan Poe died from rabies.

  37. My theory is that edgar had a drinking problem. And inside the text of most of websites it says that when he was found in the street he was drunk and inside the website: It also says that part of his death was because he had a alcoholism problem.My source is from the time line website and it staes that he was drunk and so does so other ones.

  38. I believed Poe died of Rabies because, Physicians at the University of Maryland Medical Center believe that writer Edgar Allan Poe died of rabies, not complications of alcoholism or drug abuse as had previously been believed. Poe died at age 39 on Oct. 7, 1849. Dr. R. Michael Benitez reports in the September issue of the Maryland Medical Journal that Poe suffered classic symptoms of rabies: He first was delirious with tremors and hallucinations, then slipped into a coma. He emerged from the coma, was calm and lucid, but then lapsed again into delirium, becoming combative and requiring restraint. He died four days after admission to the hospital. He also had many pet cats that were not vaccinated and many other people in this time period had reported cases of rabies. Animals at this time period were not needed to get vaccinated which further proves that Poe died of rabies.

  39. I think that Edgar Allan Poe was almost killed by a guy named Reynolds. I think this because in all of the stories that I read it says that Edgar kept on screaming Reynolds name and was wearing somebody else's clothes.I also think that Edgar was drinking and Reynolds thought that it will be the right time to do it but he failed at it. I also think that Poe was losing his mind and was going crazy because he missed his wife so much. But i doubt that he had rabies or anything but maybe he did have a brain tumor.

  40. I think poe died of brain cancer. He must of had a brain tumor causing him to have the hallucinations and to go crazy in the hospital the night he died. The tumor Caused Poe’s brain to shrink or caused his brain to be congested. In the human skull there is no extra or room for anything other than the tissue and the brains liquid. In the cerebrum , which is another name for the outer part of the brain, some symptoms of a brain tumor in that specific area are seizures, slurred speech, paralysis or weakness on half of the body or face, personality changes and communication problems. I know from the information i learned Poe died of brain cancer.

  41. I think he died from rabies because the source showed the symptoms of rabies on his death. Like delirious with tremors and hallucinations and hydrophobia. Also the source states he was hospitalized and rabies is a major disease.Another source said he died of a young age and that’s believable because rabies can kill you.
